Dear Summer

Dear Summer, you're always my favorite.
I really do like you a lot.
You come every year,
and I'm glad when you're here.
I don't even mind that you're hot.

Dear Summer, whenever you visit,
I love to go outside to play.
I get to wear shorts
and play summertime sports,
or sometimes do nothing all day.

I put on my goggles and swim suit,
and head for the beach or the park.
I go for a hike
or I ride on my bike,
and stay awake long after dark.

Dear Summer, I'm glad you could join us.
without you, it won't be the same.
I promise I know
that you do have to go,
but, still, it seems sort of a shame.

I'm sure that I'm going to miss you.
The school year is finally here.
I had so much fun
playing out in the sun.
I guess that I'll see you next year.

--Kenn Nesbitt